Jindal Hospital- Nature Cure and Menstrual Disorder

Jindal Hospital Bangalore
2 min readSep 17, 2021


Menstrual Disorder

Jindal Hospital Bangalore — Know what is menstrual disorders & it’s causes, effects of menstrual disorders and how nature cure treatment.

Menstrual Disorders:-

The menstrual cycle is a process that occurs after every 28–34 days, to prepare the uterus for pregnancy. Variations in the regularities of the menstrual cycle are termed menstrual disorders. It can be broadly divided into two categories:-

Heavy bleeding:- This can be caused by swelling of the womb’s muscle.

Less flow of bleeding:-This can be caused if you are suffering from PCOS, weight gain, diabetes, stress, sudden dietary changes, treatment done for cervical, pregnancy termination.

This is the most common disorder in the age group of 13–30. Some of the common menstrual disorders are PMS, Cramps, Metrorrhagia, delayed menarche and primary amenorrhea, precocious sexual development, congenital agrarianism. premenstrual tension, vicarious menstruation, polymenorrhea, oligomenorrhea etc.

Causes of Menstrual Disorder:-

· Following a sedentary lifestyle impacts the menstruation cycle adversely

· High-stress level causes an imbalance in the menstruation.

· Exercise pattern

· A Diet pattern that contains frequent consumption of junk food leaves a negative imprint on periods, hence causing menstrual cycle disorders.

· Aerated water contains various acids that do not support regular periods.

· Hypothyroidism affects periods mostly in adolescence.

· Periods delaying medicines are the most harmful when it comes to the overall menstrual cycle.

· Hormonal imbalance plays a key role in the period disorder

· PCOD-Polycystic ovary syndrome accounts for the largest number of period disorder cases

· The onset of menopause.

Effects of Menstrual Disorders:-

Menstrual diseases cause the following in the body:-

· Hair loss

· HeadachePelvic Pain

· Acne etc.

How nature cure treatment

Menstruation is a reflection of your overall health. It is impacted by everything from your sleep patterns to the perfume you wear. Following are a few basic do’s. that can help you fix the irregularities in your menstrual health:-

· Pay attention to your cycle and keep ack of it

· Eat rainbow colours, get your proteins, eat multi grains

· Avoid excess alcohol, dairy foods, processed sugar and inflammatory foods, for they can lead to menstrual disorders.

· The personal care products that you use determine a lot in your body and hence also affects your menstruation.

· Use phytoestrogens in your body, after consulting your physician

· Avoid synthetic fragrances.

· Aerobic exercises help a great deal to decrease PMS.

· Abdomen massage helps you to a large extent, as it improves circulation, of blood, the release of toxins

· Create a routine in sync with the stages of the menstruation cycle.



Jindal Hospital Bangalore

Jindal Hospital Bangalore is the leading naturopathy hospital in India which provides drug-less treatment founded by Dr. Sitaram Jindal