A complete guide to therapeutic Acupuncture by Jindal Nature Care Hospital, Bangalore

Jindal Hospital Bangalore
2 min readMar 9, 2021


Acupuncture is getting used to treat multiple diseases since time immemorial. The procedure was invented in china, around 100 BC. Historians have un earthed gold, and silver needles from the tomb of Liu Sheng, which are testimonials seconding the fact that acupuncture has been on practice for a very long time.

At Jindal Naturopathy regime, practiced at Jindal Nature Cure Hospital we have come up with several modern techniques for using acupuncture in a scientific way, to treat several illnesses.

At Jindal Hospital Bangalore, we insert fine needles into the skin, at very specific parts of the body. Such procedure holds ability to perform certain bio-chemical, and physiological reactions that ends up healing health maladies.

According to Chinese philosophy abundance of energy flows through our body, known as Qui (Chi) energy, which makes life possible. This energy runs through our body, in passages of various meridians. Acu points rest atop these meridians, which gets stimulated by the pressure of inserted needles. More to it, the pressure excites the nerves and sensory receptors that send impulses to the hypothalamic region of our brain. The pituitary glands release endorphins which are body’s natural source of pain-killing hormones. The same is also responsible for maintaining a perfect hormonal balance in our body.

Times stands witness of the fact that acupuncture has been used to treat three major concerns —

  • Promotion of health and well being
  • Prevention of maladies
  • Treatment an array of medical conditions

At Jindal nature care, with the help of naturopathy treatment we have cured —

Asthma, Bronchitis, cold and Sinusitis, Tonsillitis, Allergies, Vertigo, Throat problem, Abdominal pain, Constipation, indigestion, Irritable bowel syndrome, Acidity, Gastritis, PCOD, Dysmenorrhoea, Irregular menstruation, Menopausal symptoms, Premenstrual symptoms, Arthritis, Back pain, Neck pain, muscle sprain, fibromyalgia, Sciatica, Headaches, Migraine, Incontinence of urine, Parkinson’s disease, Anxiety, depression, Insomnia, Nervousness &stress, Hypertension, Chronic fatigue, Hypo / Hyperthyroidism.

At Jindal Naturopathy Bangalore, we treat a patient as an entity consisting body, mind and soul.

Our naturopathy services are like Midas touch which establishes a harmony between these three essentials!



Jindal Hospital Bangalore

Jindal Hospital Bangalore is the leading naturopathy hospital in India which provides drug-less treatment founded by Dr. Sitaram Jindal